Continuing Certification Program


NEW Continuing Certification Program

HMDCB is excited to launch our new Continuing Certification Program (CCP). This new program will include an annual longitudinal assessment and provide certificants with continuous learning opportunities. To learn more about the new program, review the CCP FAQ document. 

The CCP will be available via our new learning management system, The Certification CenterIn the Certification Center, you can access the annual assessment, an online discussion board, and HMDCB webinar & Coffee Chat recordings. To access the Certification Center, review these videos and guides. Please create an account in the Certification Center using the email HMDCB has on file for you. 


Background and Purpose

Modifying the Continuing Certification Program (CCP) was identified by certificants as a priority of the organization in a 2020 survey. After careful consideration, the Board determined that to ensure the Continuing Certification Program best meets the needs of certificants and aligns with what other medical boards are implementing for recertification, it was imperative to explore modifying the CCP.

Over the past two years, HMDCB has taken a deliberate and thoughtful approach to determine how best to modify the program. A task force of certificants partnered with HMDCB staff and a certification consultant to gather certificant feedback, complete an environmental scan of how other physician boards design their recertification programs, review best practices in adult learning theory, and draft several program changes that were thoroughly investigated for feasibility and value. Upon completion of this work, it was determined that a longitudinal assessment model would provide the most value for certificants.

The goal of this new program is to provide opportunities for continued learning and accurately assess the competency, skill, and judgement of certified physicians on a continuous basis.

HMDCB is committeed to communicating with certificants about this new program. We encourage all certificants to check their email regularly for updates. To join our email list, click here


Register for the

2024 Continuing


Program by

clicking here.